2021 Income Tax Information
2021 Income Tax Forms and Instruction Booklets Available at Tompkins County Public Library
The forms and booklets listed below are now available at TCPL, and are located at our Copy Center. Additional forms that are not listed can be printed upon request. Please visit the library's Adult Services reference desk for assistance. Patrons interested in taking advantage of the library’s curbside service can submit a request by email - askalibrarian@tcpl.org, or by calling us at 607-272-4556. For information on our pick
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Snowflake Penny Spinners!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. Please check the Sciencenter for available kits. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in February.
Explore physics with Snowflake Penny Spinners!
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Paper Helicopters!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. Please check the Sciencenter for available kits. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in Winter. Any questions or comments, please contact Joah Tang, Library Assistant, by email at jtang@tcpl.org.
Explore flight with twirling paper helicopters!
Join Us for Hold On... Let Me Ask a Librarian! on October 28
The Tompkins County Public Library Foundation is holding a Library Literati virtual quiz show fundraiser on Thursday, October 28 beginning at 7:00 pm, titled Hold On… Let Me Ask a Librarian!
Call for Proposals: TCPL Teen Center Mural
We're excited to announce a search for artists to paint a mural that celebrates our Equity Statement. We're asking for submissions that feel youthful and appropriate for a teen audience. Successful applicants are comfortable working with teen volunteers to complete the project. A jury to award $2,000 will be assembled in November, including teen library users and TCPL staff.
Get Ready to Vote!
A Nonpartisan Voting Guide
Register to Vote | Voting | Important Dates | Government Sites | Organizations | Fact Checking | Inform Your Vote | Local News Sites | Political Parties
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Bee Hummer!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in late autumn. Any questions or comments, please contact Joah Tang, Library Assistant, by email at jtang@tcpl.org.
Ever wonder how bees buzz?
Adult Writing Programs Fall 2021
As Fall approaches and nightime hours lengthen, my mind turns from overgrown grass, flourishing weeds, flowers and bug bites to my own literary pursuits. Ideas left simmering in the heat are bubbling up, boiling over. TCPL will be hosting four amazing workshops to help with that. Register for a class and honor your creative mind. You won't need to leave your house. Everything will be on Zoom. What you write may be just what somebody needs to read!
Virtual Cricut Design and Cut Program for Teens!
Have you ever stumbled upon a design and were like, "Hey this would make a cool sticker!"?
With a Cricut machine, you can cut out those designs as silhouettes on vinyl to stick on almost anything: skateboards, water bottles, consoles, etc.
Patron Comments
July 2021
Comment: Baby plugs covers for outlet
Response: Thank you for your suggestion. We have installed plugs for outlets in Youth Services.
Comment: Please bring back Out-of-System ILL World Cat
Response: We apologize for the current loss of interlibrary loan. The Finger Lakes Library System has indicated that they hope to restore this service by the end of this year. We are exploring alternatives systems as we know our community needs this service.
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Sun Prints!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in July. Any questions or comments, please contact Joah Tang, Library Assistant, by email at jtang@tcpl.org.
Use the power of the sun to take a photo!
Director Search: Community Invitation to Public Presentation
Service Update, October 2021
With the lifting of many COVID-19 restrictions in New York, we are revising and updating our services here at TCPL.
Take and Make STEAM Kits: Chromatography Butterflies!
Thank you for crafting with us! All of the current Take and Make kits at TCPL and the Sciencenter have been claimed and are unavailable at this time. We're putting together a new Take and Make kit that will be available sometime in July. Any questions or comments, please contact Joah Tang, Library Assistant, by email at jtang@tcpl.org.
What colors are hiding inside a marker???
Expansion of In-Person Hours Beginning June 1
Exciting news!
Beginning Tuesday, June 1, 2021, our hours are changing!
Open Hours