Information Saves Lives Opioid Settlement Grant FAQs for Patrons
Information Saves Lives
Opioid Settlement Grant FAQs for PATRONS
The following Information Saves Lives FAQs are also available as a printable PDF.
1. What is the Opioid Settlement Grant, how did the Library receive it, and how much was the Library given?

TCPL Kicks Off Information Saves Lives Program with Harm Reduction Resource Fair
TCPL Kicks Off Information Saves Lives Program with Harm Reduction Resource Fair

Summer Reading Adventure for Adults!
Summer reading is for everyone! This summer, TCPL has a full array of fun events for an adult audience. From crafts to field trips, there are many ways to get involved. Also, you are invited to fill out review cards for each book you read, to be entered into our summer raffles! Every short review is an entry, so read all summer and drop off reviews by August 15 for your chance to win. (You can find kids' summer reading info here!)

Upcoming Tompkins County Civil Service Information Workshops
Tompkins County is hosting two free February workshops to help community members and job applicants better navigate the Civil Service career process. Tompkins County and other municipal governments are seeking candidates in several Civil Service career categories.

Black History Month
Join us for special events throughout February in celebration of Black History Month!
Outta the Muck Screening and Talkback with Director Ira McKinley on February 7

Planned Closure for Construction, September 15 - October 2
We will be closed while Tompkins County facilities updates our building’s heating, ventilation, and cooling (HVAC) system, beginning Friday, September 15 and concluding on Monday, October 2. Reopening is planned for Tuesday, October 3.

New at TCPL: Hoopla and Kanopy
Now you can download and stream even more content with your TCPL card! Have you tried Hoopla or Kanopy?
With Hoopla, you can borrow ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, TV shows, comics, and magazines and enjoy everywhere you have a screen--your computer, your phone, even your TV! Hoopla offers more content, in more places, than any other digital library platform and it's all FREE with your library card.

Celebrating National Library Workers Day on April 25
In celebration of National Library Workers Day (April 25th), we, the undersigned, urge Tompkins County residents to recognize the essential work done by the staff of our public libraries. Today’s public libraries are both familiar and constantly evolving. Along with books, movies, music, electronic resources, and periodicals, our libraries offer programming, computer classes, seeds for your garden, genealogy assistance, public bathrooms, space to meet, study, and play, and cozy chairs.

TCPL Announces New Director Leslie Tabor
The Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees announces the appointment of Leslie Tabor as Library Director, effective November 28.
“It's a thrill to be selected to serve the Tompkins County community as library director,” says Tabor. “Leading teams, encouraging and helping others, and connecting people with information are passions at the heart of my career, and it’s an honor to contribute those passions to the Tompkins County Public Library.”

Goulish Good Fun at TCPL!
Looking for a good spine-tingling read? We have booklists filled with thrills, chills and things that go bump in the night! Or, maybe you are looking for a good horror movie to scare you silly? We have hundreds of horror movies in our film collection to give you a good fright.

Director Candidate Presentation on September 21
The Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees invites the community to the second finalist candidate presentation for the position of library director on Wednesday, September 21 at 5:30 p.m. Organized by the Library Director Search Committee, the presentation is an opportunity for the public to hear directly from the finalist.

Director Candidate Presentation on September 15
The Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees invites the community to a finalist candidate presentation for the position of library director on Thursday, September 15 at 5:30 p.m. Organized by the Library Director Search Committee, the presentation is an opportunity for the public to hear directly from the finalist.

National Search for New Library Director Underway
The search for a new director for Tompkins County Public Library (TCPL) is actively underway with a national advertising campaign and a 15-member search committee. Interested applicants are encouraged to review online information about the library and the position and to apply on the Tompkins County Human Resources application site by July 1, 2022.

Sign Up for the TCPL Newsletter!
Big announcement! We're now offering a monthly newsletter to keep folks up to date with all the happenings at TCPL. We will expand our email offerings to include event announcements, collection highlights, and much more.

Some Housekeeping Announcements
It's almost spring, and we're doing some spring housekeeping! We are working to make sure our patron and holdings databases are accurate and up-to-date—and we need your help.
How can you help? We’re glad you asked!