Community Bulletin Board Policy

Community Bulletin Board Policy

As a center for community information, the Tompkins County Public Library supports the free flow of information and the exchange of ideas. To that end, we provide several community information options within the Library.


General Display Space Guidelines

Permission is not required to use the bulletin boards. Notices may be posted to bulletin boards only.

Posting of notices does not reflect endorsement by the Library.

Notices may be posted according to the following guidelines:

  1. The Library reserves the right to remove any material deemed unsuitable, inappropriate, or not complying with these guidelines without prior notice.
  2. Only one copy of a notice is permitted on the bulletin boards.
  3. Use only push pins which are available at the Security Desk.
  4. Maximum size of bulletin board notice is 11” x 17".
  5. Materials must clearly show date of posting.
  6. Maximum time for posting is 30 days. Notices of events will be removed after those events have occurred.
  7. Notices should not obscure other notices.
  8. All notices must be placed within the edges of the bulletin board.
  9. Only TCPL staff will remove postings.
  10. The Library is not responsible for the preservation or protection of materials posted.

Lobby Bulletin Board

The bulletin board in the lobby of the Library is for individuals and community groups to announce events and services that are of general and current interest. Maintenance of this bulletin board is the responsibility of the Access and Circulation Services Department. Questions regarding this space should be directed to


Teen Center Bulletin Boards

The Community Bulletin Board in the Teen Center is available for library event notices and for individuals and community groups to announce events and services that are of current interest to local area teens and their families.

The bulletin board located near the Teen Center office is reserved for library purposes.

The two magnetic boards in the Teen Center are available for teens to display their artwork and creations.

Maintenance of the Teen Center display spaces are the responsibility of the Youth Services Department. Questions regarding these community display areas should be directed to the Head of Youth Services at


Information and Learning Services Brochure Rack

The Community Brochure Rack located near the Information and Learning Services desk is available for brochures and handouts. The brochure rack is the responsibility of the Information and Learning Services department. Questions regarding the brochure rack should be directed to


Approved by the Tompkins County Public Library Board of Trustees on June 25, 2019.

PDF Version of the Policy